Thursday, June 4, 2009

Day 4

In today’s instruction, Staff Sergeant Craig Meadows taught the bootcampers about working with schedules.  We went over how to create and format component, key, and room schedules, and how the correct manipulation of these elements helps in the transition to other forms of analytical programs, like E-Specs or Innovaya.

A schedule is a formatted view of a building model based on specified needs which you provide.  It resembles an excel file and is a way to format details and specifications. 

A component schedule, much like that of windows and doors, lists each component as well as additional needed information (like cost, area, hardware etc.) that is relevant to the element. 

A key schedule is a way to transfer a set of perimeters into a schedule in order to display additional needed information. 

A room schedule is an information about a defined space like a room’s area, volume, etc.

Shared Perimeters are put into families that go into schedules.

Project Perimeters are not specified in the project, but not automatically put into schedules.

Steps in creating a schedule are as follows:

Go into the view toolbar at the top of the page and select new and schedule/quantities.  In the New Schedule toolbox, you can choose which type of schedule you want to create, or you can choose a multi-categorical schedule.



Once you are in this menu, you can choose which fields you want to include as well as options to format and group the schedule.




In order to add a Key schedule, you click add perimeter on the toolbox above and you will get a box similar to the one on the right.





You then are able to choose what kind of Key Schedule you want to create and format it as needed.




You will then, based on your schedule format, have a schedule similar to this.

Formatting a room schedule is very similar to this option, but also requires you to go to the Room and Area tab in the design toolbar and place room tags in order to define the room specified in the schedule. 

In order to create a color fill schedule, which helps differentiate spaces in a given floor plan/section, you go to the settings tab at the top of the screen and go to color fill scheme.  If on the top bar, you differential that you want to create a schedule based off of names of rooms and have already set up your room schedule, you will be able to create a color scheme. 

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