Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Day 2

Today in bootcamp, Drill Instructors Liberty Turner and Adam Wallen taught us about working with walls, doors, and windows as well as provided us with an understanding of elements and families.  They also provided us the tools to set up and edit section and elevation views. 

System Families

which host


broken up into different


each element in the model is a single




We learned that wall types are systems families within Revit which are uneditable.  Within each wall family, different wall types can be edited by changing the wall’s perimeters.  Walls are the host system in which most components must lie in.  There are three different types of wall families: Basic Wall, Stacked Wall, and Curtain Wall.

Basic Walls – One composite wall form

When changing element properties, first duplicate wall type in order to keep changes and not mess with preloaded families.  New wall type now will be available for that particular project, if you want to use it on another project you would have to export it.

  • Exterior side of wall has flip control
  • In order to change wall profile, choose wall type you would like, duplicate it and go into element properties.  Once in there you will be able to add sweeps or subtract reveals.  Within the structure bar in element properties, wall sweeps and reveals can be transformed.

Stacked Walls – Similar to Basic walls, except uses two different types of walls in one composite wall.  Basically same thing as walls which utilize sweeps and reveals. 

Wall Joints – In order to edit wall joins, use “edit wall joins” tool in the toolbar at the top of the page.  Will be able to scroll through a number of different wall joins. 

Importing doors and windows into the host walls involves the same processes. Both found in basics or modeling tabs. First, one would have to pick the certain family of windows, and then would have to pick the type and size.  In order to have the wall material wrap around the edges of the doors and windows, select element properties of the wall and edit the wall so that it wraps at both ends.

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