Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Day 12

Boot Campers

revit bootcampers - we are really really good looking

Today in class, Mike Padavic and Michael Herdegen taught the bootcampers about sloped roofing, flooring, and slabs and furthered our knowledge about how to create curtain walls in Revit.

Sloped Roofs, Floors, and Slabs

WHY? To follow site work, control drainage

HOW? Slope structure or taper insulation

The method to sloping floors, roofs, and slabs is the same, so you can apply the steps below to any of these. 

  1. Create the element as you normally would
  2. In a floorplan view, look to the options bar to find this toolbar. This allows you to split the surface you have created and add reference points in order to create the differences in elevationsimage  
  3. In order to get your desired effect, you will have to play with some of the options above, but in order to give an example, we will create a roof which is sloped 
  4. The roof is already made, so the next step is to add valleys in order the split the surface up.  This can be done by selecting the image button.  Draw a line in the areas you want to add valleys or ridgesimage
  5. 5. Once this is done, you can change the elevations of the ridges/valleys by using the image
  6. button and changing the elevation (option give to you on the design options toolbar)

6.  You can also have the slope come to one point by using the imagebutton. This will allow you to define the elevation of one point on the roof and have the rest of the enclosed portion follow






effect of defining ridge              effect of defining point elevation                                 elevation

This process is the same for floors, slabs and roofs, so play around with the options to get the desired effect.  If you need a path to follow contour marks, however, you may also define that path’s slope in the site menu.

Curtain Walls

guidelines for creating curtain walls

  • to create custom profiles for mullions, create a new family of mullion and load into the project (you can also insert details components into the projects this way)
  • to put in a curtain wall door, select the panel in which you want to place the door, and select the door out of the wall menu (door not found in doors tab, but found where the curtain wall and curtain panels are)
  • to create a curved curtain wall, draw the curtain wall with the curve tool and place mullions (if you do not place mullions, the curtain wall will appear straight…mullions give the curtain wall its curved shape)
  • you can select different pains of glass and turn them into walls or panels in order to vary the curtain wall’s appearance
  • in order to create a curved curtain panel, create a new panel family and draw out the curve with the solid extrusion tool then load the new panel into the project…select the panels which you want to be curved and change their properties from the curtain panel to the curved panel in the type menu

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